Gifts & Memorials

Records Kept

The Library will keep a record of the name, address, telephone number; if applicable, name of individual memorialized, nature of gift, and monetary value.

Responsibility of Selection

The responsibility of selection lies with the Library Director and in cases of real property and stocks with the Board of Trustees.

Conditions of Acceptance

The following is excerpted from the Library’s Material Selections policy.

The library will accept gifts under the following conditions:

  • Gift materials will be judged by the same material selection standards that apply to purchased materials.
  • No gift materials will be accepted for which the donor places restrictions or special conditions.
  • Memorial gifts of money will be accepted for purchase of materials. Funds will be subject to the material selection standards of this policy.
  • Gift materials will be accepted with the understanding that this library reserves the right to utilize them in accordance with this selection policy. Gift materials may be added to the collections, sold, given to other libraries or discarded.
  • Gift items will be formally acknowledged. This library will not estimate the value of gift donations for income tax considerations. The responsibility for this process lies with the donor.
  • Gifts of money, real property, and/or stock will be accepted if conditions attached thereto are acceptable to the Board of Trustees and are in accordance with all pertinent laws.
  • Personal property, art objects, portraits, antiques, and other museum objects will not be accepted or will be accepted only on the condition that they may be sold, given away, or discarded at the discretion of the Trustees and the Library Director.